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Autumn/ Fómhar

Autumn Rondelet

 by Lucinda Jacob

Under the trees
Wind-blown branches litter the ground. 
Under the trees
Racing, dancing, the season flees. 
Summer gone, mist muffles all sound. 
In shafts of light leaves twirl around
Under the trees. 


Autumn Crafts


Autumn Leaves

  • Autumn leaf crowns. (Dried leaves in a willow circle or in dried cleavers or stapled/glued onto card or sown together.)

  • Leaf or pine cone mobile.

  •  Stitch leaves (using a thin stick with string taped with masking tape) and hang from sticks or as bunting or as clothing.

  • Leaf masks.

  • leaf lanterns, (dried leaves glued to jars with wire handles.) 
  • Clay leaf tiles. 

  • Leaf mosaic. (Leaves cut into small pieces and glued to make a picture onto paper/card/fabric.)

  • Leaf pressing for future crafts.

  • leaf rubbing

  • leaf games (colour sorting into baskets)

  •  Leaf Frames on contact paper


  • Hibernation beds/ homes such as mouse house/ squirrel nut nest.

  • Clay Hedgehogs.

Berries / nuts/ seeds

  • Nut/ berry hunt (counting/ sorting)

  • Jam making.

  • Black Berry paint and natural paintbrushes.

  • Elder berry collection, cordial or jam making.

  • Rose hip collection for tea

  • Rowan berry necklaces (Tread together with a needle)

  • Apple collection to make hot apple juice.

  • Hot apples in the fire, holes can be made in the apple and stuffed with spices/nuts/raisons/seeds and cooked in foil or a small tin.

  • Hawthorn berry leather, hawthorn berries mashed with pestle and mortar and strained through a sieve, evenly distributed onto baking paper and gently heat in over or let dry. 

  • Bird feeder using Vegetable lard or peanut butter and Bird seeds.

Sticks / leaves/ seeds

  • Cutting Elder/ fennel for hollowing out for beads.  (Remember to ask the Elder)

  • Dock seed collection and seeds used to glue onto card or as confetti or as a mandala/picture on the ground. 

  • Acorn Planting.​​

Games/ Activities

  • Dried Leaves on tarp/parachute/blanket and shake whilst singing an autumn song (such as 1 little 2 little 3 little autumn leaves etc for young children.

  • Bird migration, swallows leaving game. 

  • Cardboard birds painted or coloured in and taped to sticks.

  • Apple bobbing.  Using nets/cups fishing apple out of water.

  • Apple/ Potato rolling with your nose game.

  • Watching out for the wild geese returning for winter.

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