Summer/ samhradh
Song of summer
Selections from ancient Irish poetry by Meyer, Kuno, 1911
A June day
The book of Irish poetry by Graves, Alfred Perceval, 1846-1931
Summer Crafts
Flowers / leaves
Natural painting and natural paint brushes.
Dry flowers used for pictures on paper/card or glued on wood cookies.
Flower mosaic (glued to card/paper)
Flower, leaf, shell, mandala on the ground.
Willow crowns with flowers added.
Cleaver crowns with flowers added.
Hape Zome (wildflower prints/ flags)
Garlands (strings of flowers and leaves)
Painted leaves.
Leaf rubbing
Daisy chains.
Fern printing (cover ferns with paint and use to make prints on paper/ fabric/ wood.
Nature Bracelets (masking tape on backwards)
May/ Bealtaine celebrations
May Bush or may alter, collect hawthorn flowers.
May pole with ribbons, decorated daily. (may pole song)
Flower picking and put into baskets, procession around the woods with the Queen of the may.
Games/ Activities
Obisana song and game, (Obisana stop and pick a blue flower.)
Water fun, what floats and what doesn’t.
Cleaver stick back game, attach a cleaver to someone’s back and everyone has to catch it, person who catches it attaches it to their back.
Twig boats (made with sticks and string/ masking tape)
Make a sundial (sing a sick stuck in the ground and stones around it to observe the shadows.
Bumble Bee/ ladybird painted stones
Hape zome Buterflies.
Ash key / sycamore key dragonflies glued to twigs.
Cleaver juice. Using a pestle and mortar mash up cleaver with water and strain through a bunch of dry cleavers to drink or use as paint.